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The Diligent Woman Podcast

Welcome to The Diligent Woman Podcast.

Each episode gives you encouragement and practical tips so you can let go of the guilt and get busy being more diligent about your daily walk with the Lord. 

Join Angela Legg - the Diligent Woman - to see how to apply God's word to daily life. She talks about Bible study methods, creating a thriving prayer routine, learning about relationships from scripture, and all any Proverbs 31 woman needs to learn.

So relax and get ready to become a Diligent Woman. 

Jan 30, 2024

Take a #DiligentMinute to consider...


In Psalm 102:18 a promise is made to the afflicted that the message in the Psalm "will be written for the generation to come, that a people yet to be created may praise the Lord."

God was thinking of you, as part of the "generation to come" back then.

In John 17:20-21 we can read where Jesus prayed for you too. 
He knew you, and other believers like you, were coming. He knew you needed God's word to find unity.

How precious a gift that Jesus would think of you enough to pray for you while He prayed for the disciples right in front of Him. 

Live today like you are something worth mentioning by Jesus Our Lord.
Put away your doubts, and trust in His love and care for you.


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The Diligent Woman Podcast

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Learn to see your value as God sees it and grow in grace and truth with these studies:


To Be a Handmaid of the Lord

To Be a Man of God