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The Diligent Woman Podcast

Welcome to The Diligent Woman Podcast.

Each episode gives you encouragement and practical tips so you can let go of the guilt and get busy being more diligent about your daily walk with the Lord. 

Join Angela Legg - the Diligent Woman - to see how to apply God's word to daily life. She talks about Bible study methods, creating a thriving prayer routine, learning about relationships from scripture, and all any Proverbs 31 woman needs to learn.

So relax and get ready to become a Diligent Woman. 

Jan 16, 2024

Whilt The Diligent Woman Podcast is on a break, take a #DiligentMinute to Know Your Value to the Lord.

Matthew 10:29-31 Jesus shares how the sparrow, which mankind doesn't value very much, is known to the Lord. He knows when EACH sparrow falls. And if He knows that about this tiny bird you can KNOW He is aware of what is happending to you and He cares.

Take a #DiligentMinute and meditate on what it means for you to trust that God truly does know and care about YOU. 

Then give thanks to Him for the care and protection. 

Be confident about God's care makes each day easier as you walk in His word. Knowing you matter to Him makes diligence a loving response instead of a burden to carry. 


For more encouragement like this, check out:

The Diligent Woman Podcast

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The Diligent Woman Shop


Learn to see your Valiue as God sees it and grow in grace and truth with these studies:

To Be a Handmaid of the Lord

To Be a Man of God