Nov 7, 2023
Today's episode looks at Mary and Martha as examples of the
Proverbs 31 woman in single women.
Join Angela as she talks about the characteristics of the Proverbs
31 as they are seen in Mary and Martha. She will also explore how
these women with different personalities expressed their love the
for the Lord.
Scriptures to study more about Mary and Martha are:
Luke 10:38-42; John 11:1-41; John 12:1-8 and Matthew 26:6-13
Click here to get a complimentary study that goes along with Season
2 -
A Woman of Valor study guide. This is a FREE outline
and Bible study that walks through the characteristics of the woman
in Proverbs 31 and gives you places to make notes about women from
the Bible who are like her. You will be able to take notes of
married and single women throughout Season 2 and then add to your
notes on your own.
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Journal at The Diligent
Woman Shop.